Decolonizing Trauma Studies

Activity: Organising a conference or workshopResearch


Welcome: Decolonizing trauma studies

Dr Sonya Andermahr and Dr Larissa Allwork co-convened this one-day symposium sponsored by The School of The Arts on the theme of 'Decolonizing Trauma Studies'. The symposium aimed to explore the complex and contested relationship between trauma studies and postcolonial theory, focusing on the possibilities for creating a decolonized trauma theory that takes account of the suffering of minority groups and non-Western cultures, broadly defined as cultures beyond Western Europe and North America. Our symposium built on the insights of Stef Craps’s book, 'Postcolonial Witnessing', and responded to his challenge to interrogate and move beyond a Eurocentric trauma paradigm. Speakers were also invited to submit papers for possible publication in 'Humanities' (ISSN 2076-0787), which was running a special issue edited by Andermahr on “Decolonizing Trauma Studies: Trauma and Postcolonialism". In addition to co-organising the event, Allwork gave a paper at the symposium and has edited a print-copy of the round-table discussion with Stef Craps, Bryan Cheyette and Alan Gibbs. This will appear in Sonya Andermahr's special edition of 'Humanities'. The symposium also featured a photography exhibition, 'My Granddad's Car' by artists Sayed Hasan and Karl Ohiri.
Period15 May 2015
Event typeOther
LocationNorthampton, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionLocal


  • Decolonizing theory
  • Trauma studies