Healing the mother wound: grief management and metal performance

  • Jasmine Shadrack (Speaker)

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsInvited talkResearch


Metal saved my life. It is not the first time and it probably will not be the last. The murder of my mother when I was twenty-one, meant I was alone and if it had not been for metal, my grieving process may have been the end of my story. The death of course is one thing, but mourning is something that characterises many years after the event. If I had not bought my first guitar the year she died, the last seventeen years of my life would be a very different narrative.
Period2 Dec 2017
Event titleMusic and...Death
Event typeConference
LocationVienna, AustriaShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Death
  • Grief
  • Performance
  • Mourning
  • Feminism