Hidden gems: lessons learned and benefits gained from the preservation and proliferation of historical documents

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsInvited talkResearch


This invited talk discussed the importance of archiving material in psychology and parapsychology. It gave specific focus to work we have done at the Parapsychology Foundation (NY, USA), and discussed the archive we obtained of parapsychological literature at the University of Northampton."Hidden Gems" - The Lessons to be Learned and Benefits Gained from the Preservation and Proliferation of Historical DocumentsDavid T. Saunders & Callum E. CooperAbstract: ‎This talk will discuss the current progress being made with the newly established archive of psychical research material at the University of Northampton's Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes (CSAPP), where comprehensive details of the archives contents will be presented. The importance of the preservation of this kind of archival material for psychical research will also be discussed, with the speakers drawing on personal experiences from their own archival research and expressing the uses historical archives can have on informing our interpretation of present day accounts.
Period24 Oct 2015
Event titleSociety for Psychical Researcher’s 70th Study Day
Event typeWorkshop