Impact of grit and learning development interventions upon first year student retention.

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsConference PresentationResearch


This presentation will outline a research project investigating ways to support retention. The project was initiated in 2022 where a measurement of grit was recorded by 424 level 4 students alongside engagement with Learning Development. The project analyses the impact of grit and Learning Development on retention and progression into the second year of study. These findings are important as over the last five years, in the UK, the proportion of students terminating their studies within 12 months continues to be overrepresented by students from low participation areas, mature, black and other ethnic groups and those eligible from free school meals (Hubble et al., 2021). Despite inconsistent use of a term used for this phenomena, Hillman (2021) describes non-retention, non-continuation and non-completion as ‘measures to describe a gap between a learners’ original intention and their situation when they leave their course.’ Reasons for the change in behaviour are complex and first year degree programmes are plagued with the highest rates of drop-out. Although research has been conducted within this area, there is no panacea, and we are no closer to finding a solution to reduce these attrition rates.

Our research incorporates Duckworth et al. (2007) seminal research relating to retention which found that grit was positively correlated with academic perseverance. Grit is described as a non-cognitive trait of passion and commitment for long term goals (Duckworth et al., 2007). After this session, attendees will understand:
1) How Grit scores were calculated and the relationship between the Grit score and retention.
2) How Grit scores coupled with Learning Development interventions are an early indicator of success and may be utilised for preventative projects and initiatives in the future.
Period19 Jun 2024
Event titleUON Learning and Teaching Conference 19th June 2024
Event typeConference
Degree of RecognitionLocal