Managing challenging behaviours of HE students within an FE culture

    Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsOral presentationResearch


    The research looked at how behaviour amongst HE students across the colleges is managed by staff. I was interested in exploring issues concerning student behaviour and the difficulties associated with responding to/dealing with it in an FE setting.
    The research took the form of devising questionnaires for HE teaching staff and students looking at has any poor behaviour impacted on learning and how was this managed.
    I interviewed a cross section of staff across different subject areas to research was there a problem or not? How often does poor behaviour within a HE context occur and how is this dealt with?
    I set up focus groups with students to ascertain their perceptions of how big the problem of poor behaviour is, what types of behaviour cause the most problems, how do they think it should/has be dealt with. Has Poor behaviour impacted on their HE experience at a college?
    The findings were presented at the AOC conference in Leicester 2017
    PeriodMay 2017
    Event titleThe National Aoc Scholarship project
    Event typeConference