The British Psychological Society Transpersonal Psychology Section 16th Annual Conference

Activity: Organising a conference or workshopParticipating in a conference or workshopResearch


In this paper I shall review recent research at Northampton that suggests that experience of and belief in psychokinesis (PK) is related to an emerging personality dimension called lability. I will describe a web-based survey that allowed us to develop the construct of lability and suggests that it is associated with spontaneous real-world experiences of PK. I will go on to introduce some of the experimental work that has looked for differences between high and low scorers on our lability measure in a number of PK tasks, including a computerized version of the I Ching
Period28 Sept 201230 Sept 2012
Event typeConference
LocationScarborough, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Psychology
  • Religion
  • Parapsychology
  • Psychic research