Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Covid-19 in Northamptonshire Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Medium Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/12/20 Description In this second contribution we have scrutinised the official published mortality data to December 6 (week 49), 2010, extending our previous analysis by 21 weeks. The results are presented against a backdrop of a second national lockdown in England (November 5 to December 2) that proceeded the introduction of regional Tiers brought in to reduce the reported rise infection rates since the summer. We have updated the longitudinal data for Northamptonshire and compared it to rates across the East Midlands and nationally. We also compare the data at the start of the infection in March, with rates from week 41 onwards, tentatively marking the onset of a ‘second wave’ of Covid-19 fatalities in the UK. Finally, we show how infection rates from testing can differ significantly from reported values if false positives and negatives are factored in. URL Persons Nick Petford, Jackie Campbell