A collection of educators’ views regarding iPad practices for enhancing the social communication and emotional regulation of pupils with autism in special and mainstream schools



This dataset includes data collected using an online survey with the aim of examining educators’ views on iPad practices for enhancing the social communication and emotional regulation of pupils with autism in special (n=9) and mainstream (n=6) schools. More specifically, the survey was completed by 55 educators (five males and 50 females) from 15 special and mainstream schools in the United Kingdom. The survey included a combination of open-, closed-ended and multiple-choice questions and addressed the following topics:

a) iPad use in the classroom for SC and ER
b) Apps’ selection criteria
c) Prioritisation of target skills with iPad
d) iPad embedding into the curriculum and practices implemented
e) Measurement of students’ performance during iPad use
f) Frequency and duration of iPad use
g) Training provided for iPad use
h) Practitioners’ perspectives on iPads for SC and ER
i) Educators’ recommendations of apps for SC and ER
j) Educators’ intention for further training

For the online survey design, the Bristol Online Survey (BOS) tool was used, and the data were descriptively analysed using Microsoft Office Excel.
Date made available31 Oct 2024
PublisherUniversity of Northampton
Date of data productionSept 2016 - Apr 2017

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