Increasing student engagement with environmental sustainability in housing

Impact: Quality of life impacts, Social impacts, Environmental impacts, 07: Affordable and Clean Energy (UN SDG)

Description of impact

The Planet Too project increased student awareness and engagement with issues concerning environmental sustainability in housing. 141 volunteers were recruited and trained for the project, and 1320 students participated in pro-environmental actions. Additionally the University of Northampton Student Union became a Green Impact Gold accredited organisation.


students, landlords, higher education institutions

How have research outputs led to this impact?

PLANET TOO (P2) was a student-led programme that delivered seven distinct interventions designed to transform thinking and behaviours around sustainable development and sustainable business ethics at the University of Northampton. A key aspect of the project looked at the engagement of students and landlords with sustainability issues in regard to housing.
Impact statusCompleted
Impact date2014
Category of impactQuality of life impacts, Social impacts, Environmental impacts, 07: Affordable and Clean Energy (UN SDG)
Impact levelMature Impact