Projects per year
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Feasibility study for pathway to commercialisation of a high blood pressure reduction isometric exercise band.
Baross, A. (PI)
1/03/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Innovation and Commercialisation
Towards a gene therapy to treat spinocerebellar ataxia
Anthony, K. (PI)
20/02/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Innovation and Commercialisation
Acute cardiovascular responses to eccentric muscle contractions in stroke survivors.
Baxter, B. (PI), Kay, T. (CoI), Baross, A. (CoI), Khatri, R. (CoI) & Morris-Love, R. (CoI)
5/02/24 → 28/06/24
Project: Internal Fund › Small Grants Scheme for Early Career Researchers
The Northampton Advanced Imaging Facility
Anthony, K. (PI) & Machado, L. (CoPI)
31/01/24 → 31/03/24
Project: Capital Funding
Reach For Health
Kay, T. (PI), Baxter, B. (CoI) & Baross, A. (CoI)
31/01/24 → 31/03/24
Project: Capital Funding
Examination of the dose-response relationship between isometric resistance training and decreases in blood pressure in both males and females
Baross, A. (PI), Kay, T. (PI) & Wright, B. (PI)
22/01/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Co-developing a novel gamified strength and balance training programme designed to slow disease progression in primary hereditary ataxia: a feasibility and acceptability study.
Kay, T. (PI) & Anthony, K. (CoI)
8/01/24 → 15/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Public and Community Engagement & Participatory Research fund
Developing a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Process for UON.
Ryan, D. (PI), Ward, A. (CoI), Pyer, M. (CoI) & Sheppard, G. (CoI)
1/01/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Public and Community Engagement & Participatory Research fund
The Underrepresentation of Women in Esports Leadership Positions: Exploring the Barriers and Facilitating Factors
21/11/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Small Grants Scheme for Early Career Researchers
Setting a path for action research: Developing understanding of student differences that may contribute to the GEM/Black and White award gap.
Watkins, L. (PI)
20/11/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Internal Fund › Other funding
Investigate the value of plasma galectin-3 and RANKL measurements in predicting disease progression and skeletal complications in Multiple Myeloma
Farahani, M. (PI), Machado, L. (CoI), SIVAKUMARAN, M. (CoI) & Yu, L. (CoI)
2/10/23 → 2/10/24
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
STEP Outside: Supporting education students to use outdoor spaces in their professional practice.
Whewell, E. (CoPI), Richardson, T. (PI), Tiplady, H. (CoPI), Woolley, K. (CoPI) & Clanfield, J. (CoI)
1/08/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Internal Fund › Other funding
Pedagogical Tools and Techniques for ABL Phase 1: enhancing learners’ and educators’ potential
Whewell, E. (PI) & Power, A. (PI)
1/08/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Internal Fund › Other funding
ICS Isometric The reduction of hypertension through isometric exercise Research Assistant
Baross, A. (PI) & Wright, B. (CoI)
5/06/23 → 29/08/23
Project: Internal Fund › Accelerator Impact Fund
UON Research Accelerator Impact Fund - Active Quarter
Ryan, D. (PI), Hardwicke, J. (CoI), Hill, K. (CoI) & Tonkin, T. (CoI)
1/02/23 → 31/07/23
Project: Internal Fund › Accelerator Impact Fund
Evaluation of RNA trans-splicing as a therapeutic strategy for spinocerebellar ataxia, type 1
Anthony, K. (PI)
17/10/22 → 17/10/23
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Active Quarter: Mapping and Use of Brackmills Industrial Estate Green Corridor
Ryan, D. (PI), Hardwicke, J. (CoI) & Tonkin, T. (CoI)
26/09/22 → 30/11/22
Project: Internal Fund › Knowledge Exchange for Better Business
Holiday Activities and Food Programme Evaluations
Ryan, D. (PI), Bayes, N. (CoI), Kay, T. (CoI) & Jones, P. (CoI)
1/07/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research › Contract Research with non-commercial organisations
Investigating a role for dystrophin protein Dp71 in cell migration
Anthony, K. (PI)
27/06/22 → 8/08/22
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
File -
A collaborative pilot study to investigate the predictive value of plasma microRNA profiling in disease progression in plasma cell malignancies
Farahani, M. (PI), Machado, L. (CoI) & SIVAKUMARAN, M. (CoPI)
1/05/22 → 1/10/22
Project: Internal Fund › Innovation & Research Ideas Grant Spring 2022
Evaluation of Cycling on Social Prescription within Delapre Park
Ryan, D. (PI), Hardwicke, J. (CoI) & Kay, T. (CoI)
31/01/22 → 25/04/22
Project: Enterprise › Consultancy with non-commercial organisations
HAF: Holiday, Activity & Food Programme
Ryan, D. (PI), Jones, P. (CoI), Kay, T. (CoI) & Bradley, S. (CoI)
1/07/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Thriving Communities Fund (Social Prescribing)
Ryan, D. (CoI), Clinton, R. (PI), Elmer-Gorry , C. (CoI), Kay, L. (CoI), Smart, D. (CoI) & Mulvenna, M. (CoI)
1/03/21 → 1/03/22
Project: Enterprise › Charitable Funding
Promoting physical activity participation within green and blue spaces in a COVID-19 era.
Ryan, D. (PI)
1/12/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Internal Fund › QR Strategic Priorities Fund 2020/21
RNA processing of the brain dystrophin isoform Dp71
Anthony, K. (PI) & Wood, C. (CoI)
4/08/20 → 4/02/22
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
The role of Dp71 in cell migration and the neuropathophysiology of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Anthony, K. (PI)
3/06/19 → 27/07/19
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Effects of eccentric plantarflexor and dorsiflexor training on neuromuscular characteristics associated with fall risk in older people
Kay, T. (PI) & Folland, B. (CoI)
2/06/19 → 5/08/19
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Research Design Service East Midlands Public Involvement Fund
Kay, T. (PI)
1/10/18 → 1/11/18
Project: Enterprise › Consultancy Charity
Effects of unilateral lower limb eccentric training on neuromuscular and musculoskeletal characteristics associated with fall risk in older people
Kay, T. (PI)
21/05/18 → 21/07/18
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
DLAB: Digital Learning Across Boundaries
Caldwell, H. (PI), Whewell, E. (PI) & Woolley, K. (PI)
1/09/16 → 31/08/19
Project: Research › European