#Citadel Evaluation Northamptonshire

Project Details


This project is an evaluation of a partnership initiative led by Northamptonshire Police called #Citadel, which has launched in Kettering to pilot a new way of working and aims to tackle the harm caused by drug addiction in the town. The partnership project aims to work by using a holistic approach to help address the issue of addiction to Class A drugs along with the associated problems like crime, anti-social behaviour and harm to the environment. An intelligence-led approach is being used to identify the most vulnerable people in the town with drug or alcohol addictions, to tailor help and support, while gathering data for an in-depth understanding of the drugs market. The partners involved in the project include the Police, the Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board, The North Northamptonshire Community Safety Partnership and the Child and Adult Safeguarding Partnerships, made up of councils and NHS organisations.
Short title#Citadel
Effective start/end date30/09/2030/11/21


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