Converting Willingness to Engagement

Project Details


This innovation bid would allow the exploration of workforce development, clinical service leads and advanced practitioners requirements to be made available in Northamptonshire to address Continuous Practice Development (CPD) requirements for staff. This involves partnership working to address relevant workforce needs in three phases and includes an evaluation component.

Phase 1: A series of marketed online (virtual) drop in focus group discussions targeted at clinical service leads, advanced practitioners, matrons and work force development.
Phase 2: A series of marketed “Career clinics” targeted to address the needs of postgraduate health professionals held at linked hospitals (x5) within Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire.
Phase 3: An evaluation form at the induction of programme/module/study day addressing the applicants’ journey to enrolment. This will include career advice, marketing roles, administration support and timeframes.

Layman's description

This project explored healthcare professional views on access to continued professional development through focus groups and interviews.

Key findings

This project identified ways that HEIs can better support healthcare professionals to access continued professional development.
Effective start/end date19/10/2030/06/21


  • Continued practice development
  • Nursing
  • Education
  • Nurse
  • Health professional


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