Voice of the Child

Project Details


1.To define the ‘voice of the child’ in our schools.

2.To identify the ways in which our schools elicit the ‘voice of the child’.

3.To identify ways that (1) and (2) may impact on the learning, development and wellbeing of young children with SEND in our schools.

4.To establish the perceptions of parents/carers and practitioners on (1), (2) and (3).

Layman's description

Of the eight Northamptonshire maintained nursery schools (MNS) participating in this research, five are in Northampton, two in Wellingborough and one in Kettering. The schools have a history of good and outstanding Ofsted judgements and of joint working. Several of the schools are located in areas of significant disadvantage. The lead MNS is in an area of significant deprivation and low social mobility, one of the 10% most deprived areas of the country.
Effective start/end date1/10/181/08/19

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