A preliminary study of the use of an algometer to investigate whether or not patients benefit when podiatrists enucleate corns

P J Prud'homme, Mike Curran

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticle


SUMMARY. In 23 experiments direct force was applied to corns before and after enucleation. Patients were asked to indicate the degree of force which they were willing to bear on both occasions. The force was measured by an algometer before and after treatment. There was statistically a very highly significant increase in the bearable force after treatment (t = -4.71; degrees of freedom = 22; P < .001 - two tailed test). Before treatment the mean of acceptable maximum bearable forces was 19.35 N (standard deveiation 8.74). After treatment the mean increased to 27.21 N (standard deviation 12.88). The development of the use of the algometer within podiatry practice may well provide a useful index for the benefits of treatment in some patients
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-67
Number of pages3
JournalThe Foot
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 1999


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