Benefits and limitations of a collaborative approach to course design

Julie Usher*, Robert James Farmer

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to Specialist PublicationBulletin/Magazine


The University of Northampton has been running collaborative course design workshops since 2008. These course design workshops are referred to as a CAIeRO (Creating Aligned Interactive Educational Resource Opportunities), and they are a modified version of the Carpe Diem process, embedded in quality enhancement and development frameworks and run by trained facilitators. While others have investigated experiences of designing programmes collaboratively, our particular situation at Northampton gave us the opportunity to explore staff perceptions of collaborative design across a number of diverse programmes, as we are undertaking a full scale curriculum redesign project, using an institutionally recognised approach to course design which recommends collaborative development.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
Specialist publicationEducational Developments: The Magazine of the Staff and Educational Development Association
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018

Bibliographical note

ISSN 1469-3267


  • CAIeRO
  • collaboration
  • collaborative working
  • course design
  • learning design


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