Complexities of midwifery care delivered to perinatal women in prison: A qualitative study

Kathryn Cahalin*, Claire Clews, John Pendleton, Matthew Callender

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: To provide insight into the challenges faced by imprisoned perinatal women in accessing appropriate information, support, and care and the importance of the midwife’s role in this context.
Method: This paper draws on two studies conducted in one United Kingdom (UK) women’s prison over two separate time points (2019, 2021). In both qualitative evaluative studies that were descriptive in nature, semi-structured interviews were conducted with perinatal women and professionals involved in their care.
Participants: 17 women participated across the two qualitative studies, six were pregnant, nine were on the Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) and two had given birth in the last 12 months but were not on the MBU. 12 professionals participated across the two studies.
Results: The studies highlight the specific challenges that perinatal women in prison face compared to their community counterparts in being able to access reliable information on pregnancy, birth, and parenting; having access to appropriate and reliable peer support and mental health support not only in terms of provision but also in terms of accessibility; and in being able to advocate for themselves or having people that can advocate for them.
Conclusion: These challenges arguably heighten the importance of, as well as the pressure on the midwife in this context. The authors therefore highlight the need for consideration of three factors for midwifery in this context: (1) Resourcing (2) Information provision to, and information sharing between, midwives to increase awareness of challenges faced by this cohort, and (3) Strengthening the midwife’s position to support and advocate for women’s perinatal mental health in prison.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104099
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2024

Data Access Statement

Data Availability: Due to ethical/commercial issues, data underpinning this publication cannot be made openly available. Further information about the data and conditions for access are available from the Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice, University of Northampton, at [email protected].


  • Pregnant prisoners
  • Midwifery
  • Perinatal care
  • Birth charter
  • Mother and baby unit


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