Developing samples of small scale upcycling from pre-consumer textile fallout

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportChapterpeer-review


The context of this research is in the prolific levels of waste in the textile industry (WRAP, 2016). By working with developed frameworks and garments from a textile manufacturing facility, the aim of this research is to understand if upcycling, utilising industry production line fallout (seconds or production line errors) is possible.

It is estimated that approximately 10-20% of textiles are ‘wasted’ during garment manufacture (Lau, 2015). Currently the system works in isolation of each other meaning ‘manufacturers and designers in the mainstream fashion industry discard on average 15% of materials on route to production’ (Brown, 2013). Despite textiles being almost 100% recyclable (Lau, 2015) the industry has created a disjointed supply chain. Manufacturers are currently bound by strict regulations imparted by the brands. This means that it is easier to incinerate fallout rather than deal with the complex issues around upcycling. Little information currently exists, while a lack of mapping evidences the secrecy the industry puts on their waste.

The aim is to develop prototypes, enabling us to see how successful they are at developing potential designs within the circular economy framework. This research will conclude by making suggestions for adaptations and recommendations for embedding prototypes of design within the circular economy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Innovation in Textile Recycling: towards a more sustainable handling, re-use and disposal of textile materials.
EditorsWalter Leal, D Tyler, M Miraftab
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Oct 2018


  • upcycling
  • textiles
  • sustainability
  • Fashion
  • manufacturing


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