Digital Learning Across Boundaries: Augmented and virtual reality supporting effective international learning

Helen Caldwell, Emma Whewell, Grant Malloch, Beth Garrett

Research output: Contribution to Specialist PublicationBulletin/Magazine


The Digital Learning Across Boundaries (DLAB): Developing Changemakers project is a three-year Erasmus+ funded project, currently in its first year. The project addresses the need to align European education-al practice with ways in which digital technology is changing how and what we learn, and how we apply this in education. It also draws inspiration from the changemaker movement, which seeks to build the skills and attributes for individuals to find innovative solutions to society’s challenges. Participants comprise around fifty university lecturers, student teachers, and school teachers, together with their school pupils across five European countries: Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Spain and England. Key themes, then, are developing digital literacy and using digital skills to foster cultural literacy as teams of school pupils, student teachers, teachers and lecturers from partner countries work together to prototype solutions to issues they have identified together.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
VolumeSummer 2020
Specialist publicationNAACE Advancing Education Journal
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020


  • Digital technology
  • learning
  • Virtual reality
  • augmented reality
  • international collaboration


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