Effective practice in the design of directed independent learning opportunities, Study skills for academic success: SPOC and MOOC

Kathryn Coulson

Research output: Contribution to Specialist PublicationSpecial issue


This compendium, a supplement to the publication Effective practice in the design of directed independent learning opportunities, provides a range of examples of independent learning that will inspire others to review and refresh their own practice.

The examples of activity presented here address what for many students will prove to be one of the most challenging aspects of study at the higher level. It is a type of study at the very heart of university education, and is a crucial component for the successful completion of a degree. But, when it comes to its support and development, it is not always particularly well understood. This compendium helps to remedy this, and provides numerous proven examples of good practice from a wide breadth of fields, and from within a range of different institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Specialist publicationHigher Education Academy - Compendium of Good Practice
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • direct learning
  • learning
  • studying


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