Electronic Online Marking of Software Assignments

Gary Hill, Scott J Turner

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportChapterpeer-review


With the advent of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and online electronic submission of assignments, computing lecturers are increasingly assessing code online. There are various tools for aiding electronic marking, grading and plagiarism detection. However, there appears to be limited shared advice to computer science tutors (and students) on the effective use of these tools. This chapter aims to stimulate peer-discussion amongst tutors involved in the assessing (marking and grading) of software code. Many United Kingdom (UK) Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are using electronic marking. This chapter discusses the authors’ experience and proposes suggestions for appropriate and effective solutions to the electronic assessment of software code. This will be based on the authors’ experience of electronically assessing code over three academic years and the current advice given to their students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSoftware Engineering Education for a Global E-Service Economy
EditorsGianmario Motta, Bing Wu
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9783319042176
ISBN (Print)9783319042169
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Feb 2014

Publication series

NameProgress in IS


  • Software engineering
  • Turnitin
  • computer code
  • online assessment
  • online grading
  • online marking


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