Eweka's story: Benin, big picture history and the National Curriculum for History 2014

Paul Bracey, Chad McDonald, Kayleigh Billins, Keryy Kaup, Michael Knight

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticle


The prospect of teaching Benin 900-1300 AD in National Curriculum 2014 is challenging given that the main evidence come from later periods in its history. This article set out to demonstrate that this issue can be dealt with by considering how Benin relates to a Big Picture of the past. This began with exploring children's perceptions of Africa, its history from earliest times to the present day together with creating a classroom museum. An enquiry question ' The Benin Bronzes: If objects could speak what story would they tell?' provided the basis for considering both how the bronzes came to Britain in Victorian times, and links between Britain and Benin in Tudor times. Finally, traditional stories of the arrival of the Eweka Dynasty in the 12th century were explored and related to other key events in its past. Throughout the article subject knowledge and skills were developed through teaching and learning approaches appropriate for children.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-29
JournalPrimary History
Issue number67
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2014


  • National cirriculum
  • Education
  • History


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