gentlefucknation: a beautification by johnmichael rossi

Johnmichael Rossi

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Follow The Mariachi Band’s tour through the neighborhood of Poxton, where Pandora Greenbeck is conducting an experiment for her science fair project: to measure the effects of environment, by placing green bean plants in secret locations. gentlefucknation swirls around the spaces of a chicken shop, a laundromat and a crumbling apartment. ChickN stews over the frying pit while the inner-thinkings of Akkiz, the laundry woman from Far Far Away Land, are haunted by La Cucaracha. Eeej and Tone are riddled by the the weather’s new normal and the gradual disappearance of their friends.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Number of pages166
ISBN (Print)1539511707, 9781539511700
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2016


  • john michael rossi


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