Model transformation of high-level requirements in a domain specific language into a formal specification language

Suraj Ajit, Oyindamola Olajubu, Scott Thomson, Mark Edwards, Gudmund Grov (Editor), Andrew Ireland (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePaperpeer-review


This paper provides a brief context of current work being done in an industrial research project that involves automated transformation of high-level requirements expressed in a Domain Specific Language into test cases. The paper introduces a research idea/approach and outlines relevant research questions/challenges. Finally, the paper briefly discusses related work in this area.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 15 Aug 2015
EventThe 21st LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2016 - Cambridge Veterinary School, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Sept 20169 Sept 2016 (The 2016 Conference theme focused on work involving ethical issues in relation to supply chain management and logistics operations. The Conference demonstrated the current, promising research work within the theme in terms of its trends, challenges, and opportunities, so as to discover and explore new research directions for the research community and the practitioners. The Seed Corn research fund, assisted in this research quest, by supporting small scale research projects in universities. The research fund is set up to provide a small research grant on a ‘seed corn’ basis to enable supply chain, logistics and transport researchers in the UK and Ireland to explore issues of current and academic interest.)


ConferenceThe 21st LRN Annual Conference and PhD Workshop 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
OtherThe 2016 Conference theme focused on work involving ethical issues in relation to supply chain management and logistics operations. The Conference demonstrated the current, promising research work within the theme in terms of its trends, challenges, and opportunities, so as to discover and explore new research directions for the research community and the practitioners.

The Seed Corn research fund, assisted in this research quest, by supporting small scale research projects in universities. The research fund is set up to provide a small research grant on a ‘seed corn’ basis to enable supply chain, logistics and transport researchers in the UK and Ireland to explore issues of current and academic interest.
Internet address
  • (The 2016 Conference theme focused on work involving ethical issues in relation to supply chain management and logistics operations. The Conference demonstrated the current, promising research work within the theme in terms of its trends, challenges, and opportunities, so as to discover and explore new research directions for the research community and the practitioners. The Seed Corn research fund, assisted in this research quest, by supporting small scale research projects in universities. The research fund is set up to provide a small research grant on a ‘seed corn’ basis to enable supply chain, logistics and transport researchers in the UK and Ireland to explore issues of current and academic interest.)


  • Formal methods
  • model
  • transformation
  • software engineering


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