NOMA-Based Resource Allocation and Mobility Enhancement Framework for IoT in Next Generation Cellular Networks

Raouf Abozariba, Muhammad Kamran Naeem, Mohammad Patwary, Mir Seyedebrahimi, Peter Bull, Adel Aneiba

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


With the unprecedented technological advances witnessed in the last two decades, more devices are connected to the internet, forming what is called internet of things (IoT). IoT devices with heterogeneous characteristics and quality of experience (QoE) requirements may engage in spectrum market due to scarcity of radio resources. We propose a framework to efficiently quantify and supply radio resources to the IoT devices by developing intelligent systems. The primary goal of the paper is to study the effect of the next cellular generation wireless connectivity characteristics with non-orthogonal multiple access technique (NOMA) on providing connection to clustered IoT devices. We first demonstrate analytically how the distribution and QoE requirements of IoT devices impacts the required number of radio resources. We then show that in a standard auction algorithm extended to allow for implementation of incentive and other complementary processes in clustered approach, bids informed by our proposed system enhance the radio resource utilization efficiency of the IoT service providers. Our results suggest substantial reduction in the number of sub-carriers required when compared to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) model. The results also show our intelligent clustering is scalable and adaptable to the cellular environment. Ability to move spectrum usages from one cluster to other clusters after borrowing when a cluster has less user or move out of the boundary is another soft feature that contributes to the reported radio resource utilization efficiency. Moreover, the proposed framework provides IoT service providers cost estimation to control their spectrum acquisition to achieve QoE with guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and non-guaranteed bit rate (Non-GBR).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29158 - 29172
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2019

Bibliographical note

2169-3536 2019 IEEE.
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  • 5G networks
  • Clustering
  • Dynamic resource allocation
  • IoT
  • NOMA
  • Network slicing


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