Premiering on Fox in 2009, Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse was an innovative, contentious and short-lived science fiction series whose themes were challenging for viewers from the outset. A vast global corporation operates establishments (Dollhouses) that program individuals with temporary personalities and abilities. The protagonist assumes a different identity each episode—her defining characteristic a lack of individuality. Through this obtuse premise, the show interrogated free will, morality and sex, and in the process its own construction of fantasy and its audience. A decade on, the world is—for better or worse—catching up with Dollhouse’s provocative vision. This collection of new essays examines the series’ relevance in the context of today’s social and political issues and media landscape.
Original language | English |
Publisher | McFarland |
Number of pages | 302 |
ISBN (Electronic) | 1476679908 |
ISBN (Print) | 9781476679907 |
Publication status | Published - 1 May 2022 |