Regional focus on learning disability nursing: England

John Turnbull

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportChapter


This book, the companion volume to "Person-centred Practices: A Therapeutic Approach", focuses on how conceptual models for learning disability nursing can also provide a holistic and person-centred approach to assessment and planning with the person, cares and family. These models for practice are described and illustrated through a variety of case-study examples. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 contains a variety of models ranging from the well known and established Roper et al model to more innovative models such as The Interactive, and Ecology of Mental Health models. Part 2 reviews from an integrated perspective how health services specific to learning disability have been configured within the UK, and where the focus of learning disability practices and services are applied. Part 3 focuses on leadership, management of change and dimensions of safety planning which are vital concepts for any practitioner to consider if frameworks for practice are to be holistically applied and which, at their heart, have a person-centred focus and engagement with people who have a learning disability
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerson-centred Practices: A Holistic Integrated Approach
EditorsMark Jukes, John Aldridge
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherQuay Books
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)1856423301
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2007


  • Disability
  • Nursing
  • Regions


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