Should information be kept public or private?

Jieun Ryu

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportChapter


Traditionally, the public and private are considered as separate spheres. Especially from a view of liberalism, the role of the state or government should be limited to a minimum and should not involve the private sphere. In this view, sexuality, family, and intimate personal relations are seen as matters which fall into the private sphere, while politics, where state and non-state institutions are involved represent matters of public dominion (Lacey, 1993). Based on this view, there is a complete separation between behaviours happening in private spheres, such as domestic violence and sexual abuse, and those which take place in public spheres. However, according to a feminist perspective this distinction between public and private spheres needs to be challenged (Ackelsberg, 2010). From a feminist point of view, this distinction of public and private excludes women from public life and treats unethical issues such as sexual harassment and domestic violence not as important as political (public) issues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLeading integrity
Subtitle of host publicationTowards an organisational ethics
PublisherWarwick Business School
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018


  • Organizational ethics


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