Standardised Radon Index (SRI): a normalisation of radon data-sets in terms of standard normal variables

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During the second half of 2002, from late June to mid December, the University of Northampton Radon Research Group operated two continuous hourly-sampling radon detectors 2.25km apart in the English East Midlands. This period included the Dudley earthquake (ML = 5, 22 September 2002) and also a smaller earthquake in the English Channel (ML = 3, 26 August 2002). Rolling/sliding windowed cross-correlation of the paired radon time-series revealed periods of simultaneous similar radon anomalies which occurred at the time of these earthquakes but at no other times during the overall radon monitoring period. Stan- dardising the radon data in terms of probability of magnitude, analogous to the Standardised Precipitation Indices (SPIs) used in drought modelling, which effectively equalises dif- ferent non-linear responses, reveals that the dissimilar rela- tive magnitudes of the anomalies are in fact closely equiprob- abilistic. Such methods could help in identifying anomalous signals in radon – and other – time-series and in evaluating their statistical significance in terms of earthquake precur- sory behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1839-1844
Number of pages6
JournalNatural Hazards and Earth System Science
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2011


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