Students' attitude towards advertising in the new digital environment

Kathleen Mortimer, Sally Laurie

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePaper


This paper explores the attitudes that students have towards advertising. It is a replication of a study by Beard in 2003 and utilises the same questionnaire to examine ethical, economic, social and regulatory concerns across a sample of students in a UK university. The results indicate that the views of students are generally negative, as has been found in earlier research. Consumer empowerment has not led to a more positive perception of advertising. There is a strong call for more truthful and realistic advertising and a growing concern that advertising is manipulating people and more regulation is needed.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2016
Event15th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2016 - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Duration: 30 Jun 20162 Jul 2016


Conference15th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2016
Internet address


  • Students
  • attitudes
  • digital
  • advertising


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