Therianthropy: wellbeing, schizotypy, and autism in individuals who self-identify as non-human

Helen Clegg, Rosalyn M Collings, Elizabeth C Roxburgh

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


Therianthropy is the belief that one is at least part non-human animal. This study aimed to address the dichotomization surrounding therianthropy in relation to mental health and wellbeing. One hundred and twelve therians and 265 non-therians completed Ryff's Scales of Psychological Wellbeing, the O-LIFE questionnaire, and the Autism Spectrum Quotient. The results showed that therians scored lower on variables that are associated with positive social relationships. Such findings may be explained by cognitive factors and/or social factors that are associated with the stigmatization of cross-species identities. However, being a therian moderated the relationship between both autism and introverted anhedonia in relation to autonomy. Thus, a therian identity may act as a protective factor for those experiencing higher levels of autism and schizotypy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)403–426
Number of pages24
JournalSociety & Animals
Issue number4
Early online date28 Aug 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 28 Aug 2019


  • Autism
  • Cross-species identity
  • Non-human
  • Schizotypy
  • Therianthropy
  • Wellbeing


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