Transform Ageing - Final Evaluation

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report


This report presents the outcome evaluation of the Transform Ageing Programme. Launched in 2016, Transform Ageing aimed to improve people’s experience of ageing. It was an innovative programme combining co-design and social entrepreneurship to create new, people-centred solutions that better support the needs and aspirations of people in later life. Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, it was led by Design Council, UnLtd (the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs) the South West Academic Health Science Network (SW AHSN), and the Centre for Ageing Better.

The results presented in the evaluation are based on the analysis of questionnaire data gathered from 26 participants and interviews conducted with people in later life (N = 6), award winners (N = 2), social entrepreneurs (N= 12), public sector leaders (N = 2), commissioners (N = 2) and other stakeholders (N=2). The interviews also included a further 9 participants interviewed by the Design Council, to give an overall qualitative sample of 35 participants. The questionnaire data was collected from award winners by UnLtd and the interview data was collected through semi-structured, face-to-face interviews, conducted by ISII. Interview participants volunteered to participate in the interviews with guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality, therefore the results presented in this report are anonymised. Case study data was collected from award winners by the Design Council through answer to specific questions about their social enterprise and the needs of people in later life.

In addition to this evaluation, over the course of the programme evaluation and learning activities were designed and led by a cross-partnership Collective Impact Framework (CIF) team, with evaluation leads from Design Council, UnLtd and SW AHSN working together to deliver both evaluation support to the social entrepreneurs as well as evaluating different components of the programme. The CIF team produced a number of learning papers throughout the programme, using a developmental evaluation approach to feed evaluation learning back into programme development. These are available online .
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyNational Lottery Community Fund
Number of pages76
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Feb 2020


  • Outcomes
  • Older people
  • Social Impact
  • Evaluation
  • well-being


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