Zmeny vo vnímaní vlastnej identity človeka v dôsledku migrácie

Translated title of the contribution: Changes in perceptions of one's own identity as a result of migration

Ivana Lessner Listiakova

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportConference Contributionpeer-review


In the presented qualitative study, personal identity changes are explored. It
focuses on the process of identity building and changes in the perception of one’s identity as a result of migrating from their country of origin. The ways of adaptation of persons in the new environment are analysed considering factors of age, language and culture in regard to attaining their new personal identities. Migration is viewed from a perspective of an individual. The goal of the study was to capture personal reflection of an individual on the process of their adaptation in a new environment. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews and processed through phenomenological analysis. The results pointed to questions of defining home, accepting or rejecting the local language and applying various ways of adaptation depending on age. The study provided insight into the topic and confirmed the importance of considering individual experience of individuals when analysing migration issues. The results of the study will further be used in creating educational and therapeutic programmes.
Translated title of the contributionChanges in perceptions of one's own identity as a result of migration
Original languageSlovak
Title of host publicationVýzvy 21. storočia : migrácia a ľudská dôstojnosť
EditorsAndrea Gállová, Jozef Šuvada
Place of PublicationRimavská Sobota
PublisherAsociácia pre sociálny rozvoj a podporu občanov SR
ISBN (Electronic)978-80-972352-2-2-2
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventVedecká medzinárodná konferencia Výzvy 21. storočia:
migrácia a ľudská dôstojnosť
- Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Duration: 30 Nov 201630 Nov 2016


ConferenceVedecká medzinárodná konferencia Výzvy 21. storočia:
migrácia a ľudská dôstojnosť
CityBanská Bystrica


  • adaptation
  • identity
  • culture
  • migration
  • change


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