An examination of co-creation drivers in Ghana's hotel setting: a micro level approach

  • Dora Yeboah

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Using a micro level approach, this study examines co-creation drivers to broaden understanding into how the identified drivers might contribute to the successful implementation of value co-creation in the hotel industry within the context of Sub-Saharan Africa. The research is exploratory, uses qualitative research design to combine semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and observations to identify value perceptions, motivation and personal characteristics as drivers necessary for successful implementation of co-creation to occur. Participants were selected from 3 to 5-star hotels, of which 2 each was selected from every category in the greater Accra region of Ghana.

The findings reveal that drivers of employees’ and guests’ co-creation participation tend to differ across service stages, including pre-arrival, arrival, stay and post-stay. In addition, the findings show that employees’ and guests’ motivation and personal characteristics significantly affect co-creation participation and the outcome of service. For instance, the study revealed that passion, belongingness, openness, shared and enhanced experience and satisfaction were common motivators for employees and guests. However, reputation development, promotions and rewards were exclusive to employees, while relationship and communication were unique to guests. These findings can help hotels to not only strategically manage employees’ and guests’ expectations towards successful co-creation encounters, but also to concentrate on resource provision that enhance co-creation activities for mutual benefit. The research contributes to knowledge by establishing that although driving factors for co-creation participation vary and are context-based, a set of common factors influence participation regardless of whether it is employee or guest.
Date of AwardJul 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Northampton
SupervisorKathleen Mortimer (Supervisor) & Angela Rushton (Supervisor)


  • Value
  • Co-creation
  • Drivers
  • Hotel industry

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