Being the Other: A Transpersonal exploration of the meaning of human difference

  • Dwight Turner

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    This research recognized that being other was an experience we all endure at varying times. Rooting itself within post-colonial theories, this research sought to expand the understanding of this experience into the worlds of relational psychotherapy and the transpersonal. With a phenomenological epistemology, this research therefore utilized creative techniques such as visualizations, drawing, and sand tray work, to understand the unconscious experience of being other, and what the other is. It also explored the unconscious impact of othering, and why the other is drawn to the subject. This research also undertook a heuristic study recognizing that a connection to our own sense of otherness was a route towards psychological wholeness.
    Date of Award2017
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Northampton
    SupervisorA Gordon-Finlayson (Supervisor) & J Callaghan (Supervisor)

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