Improving workforce environmental behaviour: a case study of the construction industry

  • Joanna Dawn Jones

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With businesses under increasing legislative and public pressure to
improve their environmental performance, this research sought to address
the issues surrounding changing employee environmental behaviour.
Tingdene Homes, a park home manufacturer in Wellingborough,
Northamptonshire was the case study company for this research. The
research made use of different Interventionist techniques to influence
employee behaviovr namely; formal training session, the formation of an
environmental team and environmental posters. The impact from this
blended approach was measured through a mixture of quantitative and
qualitative research methods. Questionnaires were utilised at the
beginning of the research to determine baseline attitudes and behaviours,
and towards the end of the research to see if attitudes and behaviours
had changed. Qualitative measures such as ethnography and narrative
Interviews were also used to give a more in-depth view of employee
attitudes and behaviours. In order to validate the impact from the
Interventionist techniques, waste data along with recyclables recovered
and electricity and gas consumption figures were used. What was found
was that the interventionist techniques had positively Influenced employee
behaviour, resulting in reductions in waste production, increased
recyclables recovery, and reductions in gas and electricity consumption.
This resulted in the case study company experiencing cost savings in
excess of £55,000 over the course of the research. It is argued that the
blended interventionist techniques approach was successful at Improving
employee environmental behaviour, and is a cost effective approach that
could be utilised by other businesses.
Date of Award2010
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Northampton
SupervisorTerry Tudor (Supervisor) & Janet Jackson (Supervisor)

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