A proposal by Freee art collective for Angus Cameron Leicester University. Title: How to Change the WorldConcept: A new work by Freee. A short manifesto workshop project with the Business School at Leicester UniversityThe Freee art collective have devised a workshop on collective manifesto writing. The project is a platform for opinion formation, which enables participants to generate statements on what they think we ought to do to change the world. Freee will introduce the conference delegates to approaches to manifesto writing then Freee will facilitate the generation of ideas from delegates for inclusion in the final new manifesto. Participants will be asked to write their ideas on coloured paper and then ‘publish’ them on the conference room walls for all to see. Next everyone will be asked to sign up to the concepts in which they believe, by writing their name on the statement they agree with. Freee will construct the statements that have at least one signature into a manifesto and the delegates will return to the conference. At a performance at the end of the day the delegates will come together as a choir to read aloud the shared opinions. Freee need: 1.5 - 2 hours introduce Manifesto writing & write the manifesto1. 1.5 hours for performanceThe Freee art collective are Dave Beech, Andy Hewitt and Mel Jordan. Freee produce slogans, billboards and publications that challenge the commercial and bureaucratic colonization of the public sphere. Their work has been shown at the Liverpool Biennial and the Istanbul Biennial.Period | 7 Jul 2015 |
Event type | Workshop |
Degree of Recognition | Regional |