Geography fieldtrips and mental health

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsInvited talkResearch


This session will offer prompts for reflection on mental health and HE geography education in the UK, drawing on three collaborative research projects with students and academics in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences disciplines. We will focus on the distinctive disciplinary space of residential fieldtrips, and share qualitative data on:

•Fieldtrips as sites of latent anxiety and unwellness
•Fieldwork as a space of intensified and undisclosed mental health distress
•Emotional experiences of fieldwork during the Covid pandemic
•Race and intersectional marginalities in residential fieldwork
Period13 Dec 2022
Held atGeography and Education Research Group, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • mental health
  • fieldwork
  • geography