The Integral Transpersonal Development Programme: A model for experiential assessment for undergraduate transpersonal psychology

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsConference PresentationResearch


Given undergraduate classes of varied abilities and interests, and with a broad range of spiritual and religious backgrounds (and none), how can we design an experiential assessment appropriate to the teaching of transpersonal psychology that would be acceptable to all, and yet remains authentically grounded in the transformative potential of the students’ own lives? In this session, I present my attempt at this: the Integral Transpersonal Development programme. Broadly modelled on work by Murphy and Wilber, the ITD programme involves getting students to design their own 8-10 week experiential development programmes. These employ Wilber’s AQAL framework to identify ‘domains’ in their life to focus on in an experiential and finally reflexive manner. I will describe the ITD programme in detail, share some of the outcomes (student feedback and reflexive work) and reflect on some of the challenges of delivering this programme, and ask attendees for critiques and suggestions. Finally, I will discuss the provision of ITD Programme materials as Open Educational Resources shared under a Creative Commons license.
Period1 Sept 20233 Sept 2023
Held atBPS Transpersonal Section, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • transpersonal psychology
  • integral psychology
  • personal development
  • spirituality
  • Religion