Clinical Lead Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR) Manual

Research output: Book/ReportGuide or Manual


This resource is aimed at and has been developed in collaboration with Clinical Leads to support the development of Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR) pathways, processes and protocols across England and Wales. Clinical Leads may wish to share this document with Primary Care MHTR Practitioners within the local site.

This document should be reviewed in conjunction with the MHTR Programme Operating Framework and is supplemented by Primary Care MHTR Practitioner Manual.
This document has been reviewed by the Programme Site Chairs, Clinical Leads and Primary Care MHTR Practitioners. It has been circulated to the National MHTR Oversight Group who have in turn shared it with partner agencies (inc. NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I), Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) for review and wider comments.

Within the resource, you will find the following information with supporting template documentation being provided in the appendices:
• Overview of Mental Health Treatment Requirements;
• Information to inform the design and development of the MHTR intervention;
• Overview of the role of the Clinical Lead.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstitute of Public Safety, Crime and Justice
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2022


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