Criminology and Law

Sophie Marsh, Ed Johnston

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Via an exploration of traditional and contemporary themes, Criminology and Law presents the relationship between the disciplines of law and criminology in an accessible and coherent way that serves as an ideal companion to undergraduate law and criminology joint degree programmes, as well as serving the interests of those students studying law or criminology in other configurations.

After introducing the relationship between law and criminology, this book sets out to explore how the law is applied in relation to several key areas (policing, violence, sexual offences, amongst others) whilst also exploring critical criminological perspectives as they relate to such matters. In doing so, this book allows the reader to simultaneously develop their understanding of the principles of law and the major criminological perspectives and critiques of the law in operation as they relate to:

Legal actors: victims, offenders and criminal justice agencies
Police Powers and the criminal justice process
Sexual Offences

In exploring these issues through the lens of both criminology and law, this book will highlight the complementary relationship and benefits brought by both legal and criminological analysis, and how the analytical tools of both disciplines can be harnessed to develop a holistic and reflexive academic analysis.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHall and Stott
Number of pages200
ISBN (Electronic)9781838166434
ISBN (Print)9781916243101
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2021
Externally publishedYes


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