David Myatt’s imagined emotionology, his striving for authentic Aryan emotional communities, and the dishonourable Wulstan Tedder

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


During the 1980s and 1990s David Myatt, a British neo-Nazi ideologue, was involved in attempts to establish Aryan enclaves; Myatt’s enclave vision imagined a space secluded from the inauthenticity of liberal multicultural modernity where an Aryan folk community could live authentically in accordance with his National-Socialist ideology. This ideology was founded on a cosmology which inextricably interlinked Aryans, the landscape, and the cosmos in a symbiotic relationship. Myatt therefore envisaged rural enclaves established in harmony with Nature, where Aryans could live authentic lives in an authentic community, founded on an imagined emotionology that centred the Aryan virtues of honour, loyalty, and duty. Myatt’s legitimacy as an ideologue was largely formed by his vigorous personal adherence to this concept of authentic Aryanism, but this authenticity and legitimacy was tested by Myatt’s deliberate tactics of obscuration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50-71
Number of pages22
JournalFamily & Community History
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2024

Data Access Statement

Data Statement: Physical data supporting this publication is stored at the Searchlight Archive that is managed by the University of Northampton, and details on how to access this can be found here: https://www.northampton.ac.uk/about-us/services-and-facilities/the-searchlight-archives/. List of archive boxes consulted from this collection are: SCH/01/Res/BRI/01/004; SCH/01/Res/BRI/01/005; SCH/01/Res/BRI/01/006; SCH/01/Res/BRI/01/007; SCH/01/Res/BRI/12/002; SCH/01/Res/BRI/12/005; SCH/01/Res/BRI/12/007; SCH/01/Res/BRI/20/007; SCH/01/Res/ BRI/21/002; SCH/01/Res/BRI/ 21/003; SCH/01/Res/BRI/TMP/003; SCH/01/Res/SCH/003; SCH/01/Res/SCH/005; SCH/01/Res/SCH/006.


  • David Myatt
  • neo-Nazism
  • fascism
  • enclaves
  • blood and soil
  • authenticity
  • imagined emotionology
  • emotional communities
  • emotional management
  • emotional ethic
  • emotional hardness


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