Selecting Potentials Filter Banks to Enhance Evoked Recordings Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Scott Turner*, Philip Picton, Jacqueline Ann Campbell

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Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportConference Contribution


Evoked Potentials are electrical Signals produced by the body in response to a Stimulus. In general these Signals are noisy with a low Signal to noise ratio. In this Paper a method is proposed that uses sets of filters, whose tut-off frequencies are selected by an evolutionary algorithm. An evolutionary algorithm was investigated to limit the assumptions that were made about the Signals. The set of filters separately filter the evoked Potentials, and are combined as a weighted sum of the filter Outputs. The evolutionary algorithm also selects the weights. Inputs to the filters are sets of averaged Signal, 4 or 10 Signals per average. Even though there is likely to be variations between the Signals, this process tan improve the extraction of Potentials.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEvolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications
EditorsR Poli, H-M Voigt, S Canoni, D Corne, GD Smith, TC Fogarty
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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