They Know the Unknown: Celebrity Accounts of Exceptional Experiences

Research output: Contribution to Specialist PublicationBulletin/Magazine


In some of my early writing on telephone anomalies, I stumbled across the book They Knew The Unknown by Martin Ebon, [1] who produced many popular books on psychic phenomena. This particular work, however, focused on popular figures – typically scientists – and their links to psychical research. My own interested in this book was for Thomas Edinson and his interests in spiritualism and contact with the dead. But I enjoy the book for the insight of many other figures and their links to the field, including Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Dickens, to name a few.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Specialist publicationFortean Times
PublisherDiamond Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2023


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