Leveraging SDN to provide an in-network QoE measurement framework

Arsham Farshad, Panagiotis Georgopoulos, Matthew Broadbent, Mu Mu, Nicholas Race

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportConference Contributionpeer-review


Online video streaming using HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) is becoming the most popular content delivery mechanism for media services. Network and content providers would like to ensure a high degree of video Quality of Experience (QoE) for their end-users. However, traditional network-level metrics do not necessarily reflect the end-users' true perception of delivered content.We introduce an in-network QoE measurement framework (IQMF) that provides QoE monitoring for HAS streams as a service. The framework leverages Software Defined Networking for its control plane functionality to streamline non-intrusive quality monitoring and to offer a closed control loop for QoE-aware service management. IQMF adopts two specifically designed QoE metrics to capture the user experience of HAS streams with respect to video fidelity and switching impact. Finally, we used a pan-European SDN testbed to demonstrate how IQMF can be used as a foundation for in-network QoE measurement and service optimisation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCNTCV 2015: 2nd workshop on communication & networking techniques for contemporary video 2015
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4673-7131-5
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2015
EventCNTCV 2015: 2nd Workshop on Communication & Networking Techniques for Contemporary Video 2015 - Hong Kong, China
Duration: 26 Apr 20151 May 2015


ConferenceCNTCV 2015: 2nd Workshop on Communication & Networking Techniques for Contemporary Video 2015
CityHong Kong
Internet address

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  • Streaming media
  • Quality assessment
  • Video recording
  • Bit rate
  • Switches
  • Monitoring


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