Paracoustics: Sound & the Paranormal

Steven T Parsons, Callum E Cooper (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


From the chain-rattling ghost of Pliny’s first century Athens and things that go bump in the night, to 21st century electronic voice phenomena, sound has always fascinated paranormal researchers.

This unique book examines that fascination and presents a selection of the leading research in paranormal acoustics together with an in-depth review of the equipment and techniques that are used by researchers and investigators.

It explores the physics and the psychology of sound and its association with the paranormal. Contributed chapters by leading experts in Infrasound, electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), séance tapping and other ghostly sounds encourage a multidisciplinary approach to the subject.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHove
PublisherWhite Crow Books
Number of pages330
ISBN (Print)978-1-910121-33-7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015

Bibliographical note

Paracoustics can be found as a physical copy in the University of Northampton library (learning hub).


  • paranormal
  • sound


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