Preventing Alcohol-Related Harms Within the Night-Time Economy - A Toolkit for On-Licensed Premises

Research output: Book/ReportTechnical Reportpeer-review


This toolkit has been developed to support on-licensed premises (e.g., public houses, bars, nightclubs and other venues) within the nightlife economy to introduce or enhance measures to prevent or reduce alcohol-related harms within their establishments.

This guidance is aimed at improving policies and processes, while informing discussions with licensing authorities, the police, local businesses, residents and other organisations. A focus of this work is to increase health and safety within the night-time economy, while reducing crime and related harms.
These recommendations are informed by our published work within and in partnership with licensed premises. Our functional taxonomy of premises where alcohol is purchased and consumed is guided by our extensive and in-depth premise observations, patron interviews and other work. These findings highlight the function of key contextual features for behaviour, in particular those related to harmful or excessive alcohol consumption.

The current guidance is not exhaustive, providing a summary of key recommendations in relation to: i. Alcohol Access, ii. Point of Sale and iii. Contextual Determinants. This toolkit highlights actionable areas for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms and can inform best practice or improvement of standards in addition to existing licensing requirements and regulations.

Further information about our work and recommendations can be found in the key resources section at the end of this document. For more information, please contact:

To cite this toolkit: Hill, K.M. (2018). Preventing Alcohol-Related Harms Within the Night-Time Economy: A Toolkit for On-Licensed Premises.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2018


  • alcohol
  • toolkit


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