Report on Citizens in Policing in the UK

Kimihiro Hino, Mamoru Amemiya, Sato Sanai, Matthew Callender, Iain Britton, Laura Knight

Research output: Book/ReportTechnical Report


This paper reports the results of a survey conducted in September 2019 on Citizens in Policing (CiP) in the UK. CiP is a general term that refers to approximately 500,000 volunteers who directly or indirectly support police activities. CiP brings an annual value of about 10 billion yen to police activities, and its development is believed to contribute to building social capital and building relationships between police and communities. The emphasis on police-related volunteers is said to be due to the reduction in police personnel due to fiscal austerity following the global financial crisis since 2007, and the shift to a government that emphasizes regional participation and regionalism. As the role expected of the police is expanding in Japan as well, this survey was conducted with the belief that it would be meaningful to reexamine the relationship between the police and volunteers, using the UK as a reference.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe City Planning Institute of Japan
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2020

Publication series

NameReports of the City Planning Institute of Japan
PublisherThe City Planning Institute of Japan


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