Torn between expectations and imagination: alternative forms of communicating educational research

Yuan Yanyue, M James Underwood

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePaperpeer-review


This paper is based on a workshop delivered at the 2015 Annual Kaleidoscope Conference, Cambridge, with an aim to introduce as well as inspire ways of communicating educational research in creative ways. We start with an overview of the theoretical frameworks and our rationale. We then discuss alternative approaches to communicating educational research and how these are informed by arts-based methodologies and practitioner research. After a short description of the workshop (how it was structured and run and its outcomes), we proceed to present our reflections, and suggest possible directions for future research concerning the imperative of communicating academic research to a wider audience. The workshop was successful in terms of stimulating participants to think about the challenges of presenting research to different audiences as well as enabling them to explore and reflect upon possible approaches. Nonetheless, we believe that further research is needed to examine and address the tension between forms of reporting and presenting research that are generally accepted and celebrated in academia and the need to present research to different audiences using different styles. We argue that researchers can be more proactive in affirming the value of alternative forms of presenting research and seeking support from both within and outside their institutions. We also foresee the prospect of more collaborative and participatory models of presenting research, along with further reflexive critique of the established framework of reporting and communicating academic research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Sept 2016


  • Research
  • education
  • teacher research
  • arts-based methodologies


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