ENGAGING’ with Padlet

Activity: Academic Talks or PresentationsSeminar/WorkshopResearch


'ENGAGE' offers an innovative approach in alternative education provision from the Northampton Saints Foundation (NSF), which works with students aged between 10-18 in alternative provision to increase confidence and boost self-esteem. The programme supports students’ social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs, using practical-based activities to empower them to see the positives in everyday life. ENGAGE’s aim is to reduce the long-lasting impact of exclusion from school, including criminal activities, low educational attainment, unemployment, and physical and mental ill health.

A successful Learning Enhancement and Innovation Bid funded the development, testing and evaluation of a student e-Passport (historically the Student Passport was completed in paper format), to mitigate the young people's dislike of committing their feelings and emotions to paper. By digitising the passport, barriers to engagement were reduced, providing opportunities for multimodal expressions of thoughts and feelings.
The University of Northampton uses Padlet as part of its active digital education pedagogical approach. Padlet as a learning and teaching tool offers a range of opportunities for expressing learning, co-creation between students and staff and the building of shared digital artefacts that can be used synchronously and asynchronously for learning. This session will take the form of a workshop, to explore how we used Padlet in our project to shape the future of inclusive teaching. It will also offer the audience the opportunity to explore Padlet’s functionality and relevance to their teaching practices.

This session would benefit individuals who are looking at ways of engaging with learners that are across time zones and locations as well as those colleagues who have a diverse set of learners, for example students with diagnosed learning needs, neurodiversity and students identified as needing support with access and participation.
Period22 Jun 2023
Event titleUniversity of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2023
Event typeConference
Degree of RecognitionLocal


  • educational technology
  • alternative education provision
  • Inclusion
  • learning design