Learning Development & Academic ServicesLike many colleagues in and beyond LLS, we work with students at all levels of their Higher Education journeys. In a previous research project, we focused on Level 7 (postgraduate) students and the ways in which we can best support their learning and meet their academic needs (Siddall et al., 2020). We would like to speak with colleagues from all areas of LLS and beyond, to understand your perspective of Level 7 student’s experiences. Learning more about the encounters colleagues have with Level 7 students, or Level 7 learning, across the department will help us build on our previous research and inform our practice. Previous conversations with academic colleagues have helped us pinpoint various common observations, and we are keen to add to this for a broader picture which reflects student’s whole experience. This ideas exchange will offer us a chance to learn from your professional perspective. We hope this exchange will help us all to better understand our postgraduate students. Your informal observations could aid us to adapt our practice, and we would hope that the conversations generated may also help us to outline and plan future research with students.
Siddall, G., Mansfield, S. and West, A. (2020) Levelling the playing field: embedding academic skills for postgraduate students. SCONUL Focus. 71, pp.54-57.
Period | 9 Jun 2023 |
Event title | LLS Everyone a Researcher Conference 2023 |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Northampton, United KingdomShow on map |